Welcome to the CATALYST Site App! This app was designed for CATALYST Clinical Research staff
participating in 402-C-1504. It is intended to assist study teams with patient pre-screening and
participant visits.
This app contains the following features:
• INCLUSION/EXCLUSION CRITERIA –List of each approved version of the study inclusion and exclusion criteria from the protocol
• 6MWT SCRIPT – Detailed script for 6MWT taken directly from the ATS guidelines
• 6MWT CALCULATOR –Calculator which allows users to easily enter in 2 distances to help determine Percentage Difference
• VISIT WINDOW CALCULATOR –Provides a detailed outline of study visits based on Day 1, as entered by the user
• VISIT REMINDERS/TIPS GUIDE –Outlines important study reminders and provides a description of each phase of the study
• VISIT SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS - Provides a visit outline with dates and details assessments due at each visit